Sunday, May 1, 2011

Prospect Point was fun

Finally broke 1:40 with 1:39:36. PB by a whopping 7 seconds. I can't wait to actually try a flat course one of these days.
Big news of the day was Michael shaving 6 minutes off his personal best to come in just over 3:08 for the full marathon. Unfreakingbelievable.
Banner day. A coworker ran her first half marathon and we were there to see her. A friend was injured and had anticipated just running the half today but felt good, ran the full, and beat her PB by five minutes. Big D broke 2 hours for the first time.
I dunno what they put in the water today, but I like it.


judith said...

Yeah! You are going to be great on flat land. I twisted my ankle and fell into the house this afternoon and threw groceries all over the entry way. I think I may have screwed up my left knee. Hope this doesn't screw up my Zumba.

Duder said...

What's Zumba? Someone else mentioned it the other day.
More importantly: are you okay??

judith said...

NO... I fallen and I can't get up, been laying here for 24 hours!

Tee Hee wouldn't that have been funny. I'm fine I have bruises I can feel but they don't show up, never do. Tough hide I guess.

Zumba is a Latin Dance Craze as they say in the commercials. It's like aerobics set to latin music. Lots of hips and arms. Really works your abs and legs. But you really have to have rhythm or it's hard to do.

Big D said...

It was a great race. Congratulations to us all! Funny how race recovery has gotten easier. I walked home after, stood at a meeting for 30 minutes and then shopped for a TV at 3-4 stores for a few hours. But I slept well. LOL. Congrats again to both of you.

Duder said...

Yes, the more you do the more you benefit, it would seem! Awesome day for a run (and post race party)!