Monday, April 18, 2011

Go Blackhawks.

I remember lusting over Patrick Sharp last year. His looks haven't diminished.
I explained to C that I am cheering for the Blackhawks so that the Canucks can be eliminated from the playoffs so that people in BC can focus more on the impending election (our last election had the lowest voter turnout ever).
C thinks we're going to end up with a minority government again this time around, and that at least the Canucks advancing in the playoffs will bring the plebians and proletariats joy in their otherwise miserable lives.
I think that if Luke Wilson and Eric Bana had a baby, it would look like Patrick Sharp.
In other news, my therapist used her iPhone to show me one of Sternberg's theories today and I was holding it in my palm, scrolling through it and thinking "this is a strange way to share information". I'm a Luddite. I also overheard a client at my hairdresser's the other day discussing that she preferred to be contacted via text.
I dumped all my loose change into a magical machine at BMO today and it gave me a ticket saying there was $185.45 in coin and so I took it to the teller and said "I'm a winner!" and she laughed because I'm sure she has never heard that, ever, before.
This post is totally disjointed.
My therapist wants to give me a full frontal lobotomy, but I'd rather have a full bottle in front of me. I stole that from C.
I probably need electroshock therapy, but I'm running out of money and so I'll try blow drying my hair in the shower tomorrow instead.
In other news, I am going to a bridal shower tomorrow. I believe marriage is sacrosanct. I think you should invest all your money in a stock that has a 50% failure rate. I love chicken so much that I want to eat the same chicken dinner every night until I die. I think that love isn't fully realized until you make someone make a promise that they can't possibly know whether they will be able to keep or not. And make it until death.
Where's my goddamn hairdryer?


judith said...

I was at MD Anderson hospital for my mother's cancer treatment a few years ago. I put a $10 bill in a machine and it started spitting out gold tokens for the parking garage. I started jumping up and down and hugged my mom and sister as I screamed "WE WON!" People passing by laughed. They needed it, that's a dismal place.

You sound just like my husband with your comments on marriage. All I can say is "shad-up." It was his idea to begin with.

Duder said...

LOL. For about 10 seconds my coworkers contemplated having me make a speech at the bridal shower. I was like "yeah? You want me to stand up and talk about marriage?". They went with someone else.
Go Blackhawks.