Friday, April 22, 2011

Today was sunny

Let's see... for a three day work week it seemed very long. I ran a lot. The Canucks lost, again. It made me laugh. Everyone hates that I'm cheering for Chicago.
House (or, rather, cat) sitting for L and L this weekend. Michael left this morning to go for a bike ride and I went back to bed because I'm a lazy jerk and, after a while, Bean came in. She jumped up on the bed and walked over and put one paw on my stomach, and then two paws on my stomach and I just lay there quietly and she climbed up, made herself comfortable and lay on me. It was the funniest thing. I looked at her, rising and falling with my breath.
We then went to Whytecliff Park for something different. We climbed up this steep rock onto this quasi island there and, naturally, I couldn't come down it. My mom has the same issue. It's like when we look at descending slopes we see something different than everyone else. Seriously. I was standing back and letting other people pass me and go down it and I would watch it and I would say to myself "okay, I'm in better shape than they are, I am wearing better shoes than they are, I can totally do this" and then I would try, and I was struck down with terror.
Michael was by now at the bottom, laughing and taking pictures of me rendered totally immobile from sheer, irrational fear and I was screaming "stop it! Michael: stop!" and surely everyone on the shoreline was like "what a headcase".
Anyways, I was truly starting to panic and Michael came back up and took me by the hand and led me back down along the steep (in my mind, at least) ledge with me hysterically insisting "you're going too fast!" every twenty seconds. Normally he just points and laughs at me in situations like this, but he was very kind today and I really don't know how I would have made it down without him (I lie: I would've scooted down on my bum, like an invalid).
Then we went to Park Royal, had a conversation about how we're not consumers, and then I bought two dresses, two pairs of shoes, a pair of shorts and some capris. Hypocrite says what?
It was a fun, random day.
It's days like this where I love Michael so much it's ridiculous.


judith said...

Don't you wish you could bottle that fear and use it when you need it? Like throw on people or something.

Duder said...

Yeah, I dunno. It was stupifying. I'm a relatively logical person but I was on the verge of totally losing it that day.
I probably should've been more worried when I was running through the totally shady underground passage resplendent with turned over shopping carts and that reeked of urine the other day. More bad things likely might have happened in there.