Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's complicated

One of my most favourite mechanical things (besides the electric stapler I have at work) is my treadmill. Of course it's not really mine - it's in the building's gym on the 3rd floor - but I use it a lot.
Today, at roughly 6.30 as I was running on it, a guy came into the gym. I was literally wrapping up my workout, getting a final 5 minutes on the treadmill and he comes in and says "Can I ask a favor?".
Long story short? He wants to "work something out" because his suite is above the gym and he can hear each and every footfall. He wanted to know if I could change my schedule, or possibly "jog" instead of "sprint". I said "no". I explained that I am a marathoner. That I am perpetually training for impending marathons. I asked if he was sleeping at 6.30 in the evening and he said he wasn't. I asked if he was new to the building and he's not, he's been here 10 years. But the treadmill is new. The blessed thing. Then he started to backpedal. I'm not sure if it was the sweat trickling down the back of my neck, my flushed face, or the fact that I didn't hide that I was pissed that he had interrupted me in the middle of my "sprint", but he allowed that it was okay since I'm a marathoner and training is "my life". I'm not sure it's "my life", but it's a big part of my life. I tried to be accommodating. We talked about work schedules. I said when it gets lighter out I will start to run outside at night again. Then he introduced himself. I introduced myself. He said he felt bad keeping me from my workout. I said I only had one minute left on the treadmill.
Speaking of running: I am doing the First Half. This is the half marathon that sells out every year. I registered Michael for it, started to do my own registration and by the time I submitted it online it was already maxed out. Another local runner can't make it so I'm buying her entry fee so that Michael and I can spend our Valentine's Day weekend not drinking, carb loading, getting up at dumb fuck o'clock, and running 13.1 miles. In February.
All of the above is uncomplicated.
The complicated things remain complicated.


judith said...

This tenant felt like he was so important that he couldn't leave a note? Why didn't he discuss the positioning of the treadmill with the super first? Was the introduction of a treadmill not given to the tenants? You knew it was there, why didn't he know and ask that it be moved to another area of the gym like maybe over his living room? I like the way he didn't bother to introduce himself until after he'd stated his wants. Why do some people's egos have to be so big? What's his view like? Maybe the two of you can trade apartments? It's not like you'll be bothered by your running at 6:30AM.

Big D said...

hey, jomamma. It was 6:30 pm!! ya, how crazy that?

judith said...

He's bitching about someone running at 6:30PM! That's his signal to get off his dead ass.