Sunday, January 30, 2011

I can't stand not being adored

Gong show weekend. I can't keep up with myself.
The most sane thing I did this weekend was run the two bridges with Michael today. What an absolutely stellar day for a 14.77 mile run.
Everything else was just bloody frenetic madness but it was good. I know some extraordinarily fantastic people.
And the cat threw up on the floor.
Why Bean?


Big D said...

It was an awesome day. I ran 13k around the seawall. Thing about the seawall is.. it just keeps on going. and on a gorgeous day like Sunday, you want to just keep going too.

And, FYI.. I adore you. :)

Duder said...

I adore you as well.
Thanks for listening to my whinge tonight. I like to save it all up for one big vent, especially for you. ;)