Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hamsters in balls

Raja is the best dog ever. He was so much fun over the holidays. Who needs television when you have this dog and a fake hamster in a ball?
I can't believe the number of books that were exchanged between my mom, Jay and I yesterday. That's great. I like that we're literate.
We can read good.


judith said...

Aren't pets great? We have fun watching the damn cat play soccer with a chicken nugget. She actually takes it to the edge of the carpet and serves (bats it from her mouth) it back into the playing field (the tile floor.)

Duder said...

Pets are great. Also, small children can be entertaining as evidenced at tonight's Christmas dinner.

Anonymous said...

ohh you did the hamster in a ball over christmas?! ahhh so amusing it is!

Duder said...

It was too funny. Jay didn't even need to turn the hamster on and Raja still went ballistic. Then Jay took it away after maybe five minutes when Raja was hyperventilating with happiness and said "That's enough of this for you today".

Anonymous said...

Hey, I am checking this blog using the phone and this appears to be kind of odd. Thought you'd wish to know. This is a great write-up nevertheless, did not mess that up.

- David