Monday, December 27, 2010

Never double the three bean salad recipe

Managed to get out for a short run yesterday when it was (gasp!) sunny. It was so nice to get some fresh air and to run and actually go somewhere.
Today was the big family dinner at Nana and Ed's which was great. Almost everyone was there: we were only missing two people. I'm sure everyone thinks this, but I have a great family. Everyone is so pleasant and well adjusted and funny and interesting and we're all genuinely happy to see one another. I wish we could all get together more often but it gets more and more difficult as everyone grows up and gets married and has other obligations.
The food was awesome too, as it always is. My mom told me to make enough for 20 people so I doubled the recipe and now I have so much damned three bean salad... ah well. Good thing it's my favourite cause I'm going to be eating it for days.
As always, kind of depressed that the whole thing is winding down and coming to an end. It's been nice not working and visiting with people and eating too much. It seems like such a big wind up and then in a few hours it's all over and you realize you never got a chance to talk to one of your cousins, and you can't believe the baby of the family is now walking and what will she be able to accomplish the next time you see her, and people are planning amazing trips and starting companies and having babies and it's just this amazing collection of wonderful people for too short a time and then we all go home.

1 comment:

judith said...

Yours is the only blog I've read recently that was on the positive. Most post the dread and then so relieved that it's all over. Good luck on that bean overload, it may not be your favorite by next weekend.