Monday, October 24, 2011

Fancy meeting you here

I could continue on with the rest of my vacation, but really?  Why bother.
I fucked up my relationship rather irrevocably today because I'm an amazing asshole and so now I get to experience that wonderful part of one's life where you wake up, and for the first few moments everything is cool and then the reality of it all sinks in and you get that sick, sinking feeling in your stomach and you wonder how you are going to drag yourself through another day.
The best bit is that I orchestrated this whole shit fest on my own and am solely responsible for it.
Guess that's going to be a key term going forward.
Michael deserves better, though.  He always has.  He has the propensity to appreciate and make the best out of everything.


Anonymous said...
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braddie granes said...

May you be blessed with the one you deserve. Stay calm and patient. Enjoy the vacations.