Sunday, May 16, 2010

My nose hurts

Check, check. Anyone reading this thing?
Vaguely contemplated over-turning my desk at work and setting it on fire, but it's bolted to the ground and I'm not too keen on rupturing a disc.
The woman that I trained and ran with for the Sun Run gave me a Starbucks gift card. I didn't want anything: I was just happy to be with her for her first 10k. She has a lot stacked against her and she has always gone out of her way to do nice things for me (like picking up CBC buttons during the Olympics) and I just wanted to pay her back for her kindness, but then the gift cards. Ah. What a sweetheart. She's talking about doing the Scotia half in June and if she does I'm going to something spectacular for her.
In other news: swallows have decided to nest in the vent that leads to my bathroom fan. Come on. I hear mad chirping in my WC occasionally now and I wonder: are they having a domestic dispute? Should I charge them rent?
Finally: I ate too much cheese.


Grandpaparazzi said...

Definitely reading. Wouldn't miss your take on the world. Please don't stop.

Margarita Mirasol said...

Yeah, I'll never stop reading Duder. You rock.
Love the bolted down desk. A sign of the times. Like hospital wheelchairs in the F.UK that you can only push backwards. This is to stop people nicking them. It took my grampy ages to figure out how to use one. He nearly croaked trying to push my grandmother before figuring it out.

Pseudonym said...

They don't bolt my desk down, I think they figure that flipping the desk would be a good warning that I'm about to turn up with an axe..

Switch the core pic back and you'll get more readers.. ;)

Incidentally on the running front, whilst contemplating my bouncing man boobs, I was wondering about posture:- upper body stiff or relaxed?

judith said...

I'm reading, always reading.

Duder said...

Morning, everyone. :) Thanks for the kindnesses.
Pseudonym: "Leaning forward places a runner's center of mass on the front part of the foot, which avoids landing on the heel and facilitates the use of the spring mechanism of the foot... While upright posture is essential, a runner should maintain a relaxed frame and use his/her core to keep posture upright and stable." Relax your shoulders and shake out your arms from time to time. Someone once told me that you arm movement should be like you're trying to remove an apple from your pocket and I thought "who is running with apples in their pockets"?

Pseudonym said...

I don't see it....

Which pocket?

Duder said...

The pocket with the apple in it, naturally.

Big D said...

yes, still reading duder. i'll try to leave comments more often to show that I'm still awake.

What can one say about swallows in your bathroom vent? I had a pair of mallards set upresidents in our buildings pool and grounds. It was cute and all but... ewwww. Now that the heat is back on and the clorine levels are up, there gone. But they were very quiet and respectful.