Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Go Blackhawks!

So, as I watched the fading efforts of the failing Canucks (while having dreamy fantasies of Patrick Sharp, and placing bets as to when Salo was going to simply lie down on the ice and give up) I was dismayed when the crowd started to boo our goalie, Luongo.
Canuck fans (a particular segment of the population of which I am not a member) suck. They're so fickle. The headline of yesterday's paper said "Luo or Die". Nice. No pressure. The guy stands on his head all season, but, beleaguered with injuries and working with some ineffectual forwards, does not have a good game tonight and now everyone is picking apart his performance.
You know what else I don't like?
Cable television. It's way overpriced and so I don't have it.
Really big pieces of sushi. It's not going to fit in my mouth and I hate looking like a pig when I eat it. Let's try bite sized pieces here, shall we?
The last Nelson Demille book. He was, up until "The Gatehouse" a quirky mixture of sexy, funny, irreverent and sarcastic. Then he just got jingoist and wrote a post 9/11 piece of patriotism that I might wipe my bum with if I run out of toilet paper.
Also? I would like to reiterate that "Zombieland" sucked. Like, I didn't have the hugest expectations for it, but it fell far short of even being a mediocre movie.
Nickelback. What the fuck is with that band? I hate them. I let loose a stream of frothy expletives whenever I inadvertently hear any of their songs (which would never occur in my car because I would rather listen to static than dial in to 99.3 or Rock 101).
But, you know what's the scariest thing? You know what revered celebrity was super excited to get to go backstage at a Nickleback concert?
Tiger. Woods.
I held him in the highest esteem until Michael called me to tell me the news. I've kind of lost some respect for him.
Sorry, world, that Vancouver has hoisted upon you such questionable talent as the Canucks and Nickleback.
I'm going to go Google pictures of Patrick Sharp now.
I don't think Michael is going to watch much hockey with me on a go forward. Especially once I get a Chicago jersey.

1 comment:

judith said...

I'm with you on the sushi... You can't bite that in half, it'll fall apart. Then you start to chew and think you may have to have the Heimlich before you can get it down. I guess those people behind the sushi counter see us coming with our huge asses and think "big ass, big mouth." (I'm not talking about your ass or mine... No.Am. asses in general)