Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I have a lot of things to do, but I am blogging instead.

Book club tomorrow. I have to pack cause I'm heading out for the long weekend after work on Thursday. I should be packing now, but why do now what you can do: a) drunk at 11pm tomorrow or b) mildly hungover at 6am Thursday.
Went to the gym even though I wanted to go for a run instead. I always want to run. Running is more fun than most other things. MOST other things. There are a couple that top it. Like licking candies at the hostess stand in restaurants and then putting them back in the bowl. And petting puppies.
Yeah. Just trying to get through the next couple of days.
Eating ice cream.
What? Eating ice cream is a pretty big deal for me.

1 comment:

judith said...

I can just see you sucking the candies in the bowl at that check out and then putting them back. Sounds like fun, what about putting teeth marks in the pralines through the plastic wrapper?