Saturday, March 20, 2010

I want to buy my condo!

Why doesn't anyone else?
Had an open house today. The bidding war that I was sure was going to materialize didn't.
Ah well. I spent four hours cleaning and decluttering the place on Friday. Even went so far as to buy a couple of spring-like plants to put them on the balcony to be all bright and cheery (they'll be dead in a week). I made Michael come in and view the place before we went for dinner on Friday night and he thought it looked fantastic. I agree. It hasn't looked this clean and mod since I bought the damn thing.
Anyways, good thing I'm not really in a hurry to move and I've kind of re-fallen in love with the place and I don't mind if it takes a month or two to sell.
I spent the day with Michael and came home around 4.30 and tried to get over the fact that people had been walking through my place for two hours today. My mom gave me a running calendar that has a little schedule to record all your workouts on it (it's so rad: I love it, my last calendar was full of all this cryptic code as I tried to fit all my various workout scenarios into the tiny boxes). So I note that I ran 5.96 miles in 49.44 minutes and that it worked out to an 8.20 minute mile and then, because I ran with Michael's Garmin today I was able to note that I had about a 750 foot elevation which makes me feel better for not running faster.
I look at the day before where I had written: OFF (though I did clean for four hours). And next to that someone had written "Good Girl".
So I call Michael and ask him if he had written "Good Girl" on my calendar yesterday and he said no.
I then compared the handwriting to that of my realtor and it was she who wrote that.
It made me laugh.


judith said...

Get matching pillow shams for your bed... and casually toss the throw over the corner. I just came back from my sister's where her house always looks like a model home. And get some vanilla scented candles... pumpkin works best but I don't know if you'll find them this time of year. Pumpkin turns guys on.

Duder said...

Really? I thought naughty texts turned guys on.
Maybe I'll send naughty texts about pumpkins.