Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bad pussy!

So, I like animals and I've had a lot of cats and a couple of dogs. But I think I'm a dog person. See, cats are pretty and they sit in your lap and they're nice to pet but basically? They don't care who you are as long as you're giving them what they want.
Which leads me to Sandra Bullock's husband.
Anyways, let's all throw our hands up in the air once again that someone was caught cheating.
Hey, note how it's never the women that make the news? I mean, all of Tiger's mistresses were single?
As we strive for equality (and I always pay my own way when I go out with Michael), I'd like a little less skewed coverage of this whole infidelity thing.
Whatever. The media.
Eh. These stories only exist because people deign to care about them.
Let's take a big step back and look at what's really happening: marriages (Kate Winslet, Susan Sarandon, a bunch of people you know and/or are related to) fail. People fuck around.
How about we stop putting it on the cover of US Weekly and talk about it in a frank manner.
Hey. The only reason I don't have a dozen mistresses is cause I don't look like Gisele Bundchen and I don't have the dosh to pay them all off.
But if I did? I would.
In the name of equality, of course.


Godinla said...

Thank you for being honest.

judith said...

I think it's an ego problem on Jesse James' part. He was feeling a little inadequate because his wife was off being super successful and he was having to re-measure his manhood. Tiger was just an addict.

That cat looks just like our old cat Ellie Mae.

Unknown said...

See, this is why we are friends. When I've got the cash I'll pay them off for you.