Saturday, January 2, 2010

My neck still hurts/This is an unecessarily long post

The laptop screen is gone. Boo. I am morose. It is still playing Baby Mammoth for me and it's still allowing me to blog on my tv screen and it brings in my emails and I can surf the net and Michael asked if I was excited about my impending arrival and I said not really. It still works. It still gives me everything I need (just on a 42" monitor instead of a 15" one) and I said could we at least pull out the hard drive and use it as an external hard drive so I could feel like we were saving something?
I love my little five year old Inspiron. It has been so good to me. And it wants to continue to be good to me, but it's failing a little. I didn't realize how much I loved it until the last couple of days.
Anyways. Today was a fun day. Met L for coffee in Kerrisdale. How in the hell did I live there for so many years. In the short span that I was there I witnessed a near car accident and a pedestrian almost being struck by an asshole making a left at an exorbitant speed in the rain. My mom said Kerrisdale wasn't so bad and in a lot of ways it wasn't: I would park my car on Friday night and not drive it again until Monday morning; there was a great (okay, decent) pub within stumbling distance; it was on the transit line; it was a quick trip to the beach; there were nice jogging routes and parks around, but the traffic there is just too much. Given how much I run I would've been struck by some dumb fuck talking on his cellphone in his SUV sipping his coffee and listening to News 1130 or something. Plus? The community centre there was already maxing out when I left and I got a text from Big D today about his frustrations with the newbies with their New Year's resolutions in the gym and I know I couldn't handle that right now. I worked out for an hour and fifteen today. By myself. View of the Lions. Grooving to my tunes. Sweating all over everything.
The point of this blog is that all I have done over the holidays is drink wine, smoke pot, exercise, read, sleep and watch movies. So: mission accomplished.
Do not watch "The Jane Austen Book Club". Perhaps you have to be intimate with Austen to understand this movie and, if that is the case, the movie still sucked. The characters deemed themselves intellectual enough to conjure up an "all Austen, all the time" book club but were all too socially stunted to realize just how self-suffering and neurotic they were. And if this is a taste of what Austen has to offer? I'll stick with Hemingway and Somerset Maugham. And Joy Fielding, apparently. Yes. I couldn't put "Puppet" down. The protagonist was a smart woman that drank too much wine and had innumerable affairs while distancing herself from the warmth of basic human interaction, engaging in moments of utter rage coupled with biting sarcasm.
Cough. Compelling.
Wow. This blog is just all over the place. And I mean that, cause it's a really big fucking screen. I did want to talk about "King of California". I have seen this movie and passed by it a few times because of the father/daughter dynamic and there are still certain things that I don't want to watch, but this was good. It wasn't "Harold and Maude" good, but I laughed out loud a couple of times and I was pretty engaged for the duration of the movie.
Michael Douglas can turn me off sometimes, but he was absolutely brilliant in this movie as was his (new to me) co-star and on-screen daughter Evan Rachel Wood (from the cover I thought it was actually Chloe Sevigny).
I think what I liked about it most was the way the daughter was seduced into eschewing everything safe and traditional and to live in the moment and follow the most romantic of notions.
And when they broke into a Costco and jackhammered out the floor. That was pretty good too. Very tongue in cheek. "They have everything here!"
I wonder if they have Dell Studio 17s for less than $1200.
Still plugging away. Listening to Van Morrison's "Tore Down A La Rimbaud".
I love you, Inspiron.
I will salvage as much of you as I possibly can and I will recycle all the rest.
But if you could please magically repair yourself by tomorrow I will be most ecstatic.


Unknown said...

Tell Big D to hold on, we all know by Feb 1 the New Year's resolvers will be in the tank. Except me. Big, flabby, sweaty and inconveniently on your machine at the time you always use it. Phfhfrrtt!

Duder said...

LOL. Give 'er! I know you can do it.