Friday, January 1, 2010

My neck hurts

Today I put my little Dell Inspiron 2200 laptop on standby while I ran some errands (I totally forgot to get the thing I had set out to purchase in the first place, but whatever). I come back, unlock my computer and the screen is black. I do a couple of reboots and nothing. It boots up, it's running, but the screen is dead.
Miracle of miracles: my tv is also a monitor. Currently my neighbours across the street are reading this post because it's facking huge and I am getting a stiff neck from staring up at the monitor.
You know how people do things like "research" and "due diligence" before buying big ticket items? I am not one of those people. When my Supra crapped out on me I went to the automall the next day or the subsequent weekend and bought a more expensive car than I wanted (I have a phobia of automatic windows) because, though delayed gratification is pleasurable in some regards, I needed it right now.
So? I bought another laptop. It's a Dell Studio 17 with some speakers and it's pretty nicely tricked out.
My laptop is my entertainment centre. All my music is on it. I email and blog and surf the net and write and download and upload photos and movies and tv shows on it. I paid $1,400 for it in April 2005 (April 20th, to be exact: I had a nice chuckle to see the invoice with "4/20" on it). My new one clocks in at $1,200. It has a webcam and I can remotely access it which, oddly, I have lamented being unable to do so in the past.
But I'm sad. It's still working. I'm using it right now. It got me through college and it sent a story to the New Yorker and it helped me with internet dating and I took it to Lasqueti and Penticton and it edits my photos and it's how I listen to SomaFM and CBC and sometimes even hockey games. I used it to buy my new laptop.
I put stickers on it. It has a Boston marathon sticker, a SomaFM sticker and book club stickers and a "what happens in run club stays in run club sticker".
Sometimes? When I'm dead lazy I get out of bed, grab it, and take it into bed with me in the morning as I drink my tea and get bread crumbs in my bedding.
It still works.
I want to wake up tomorrow, power it up and I want the screen to magically come online. Then I can tuck the new one away until I really, really need it.
I will admit that I'm grateful to have missed the whole Windows Vista debacle. This one comes with Windows 7.
I absolutely loathe Vista.
Bill Gates. Smart guy. What the fuck was he thinking when he allowed that to be released?


Margarita Mirasol said...

That made me larf, about the tv monitor and the neighbors reading this post. Tee hee.
Hallso, I see you are still plugging SOMA-FM. They should pay you. ;)

judith said...

Let's hope it's just a button that needs to be pressed or it was taking a break...

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