... that, pissed off and stressed out, I arrived at work. See, after the whole faucet incident I tried to pay my BMO Mosiak MasterCard bill online with my new credit union. Except... wow. I can't believe I just blogged about a faucet and am now blogging about my banking choices.
North Shore Credit Union: awesome.
Delta faucets: not so much.
Black Swan Cab Sauv? Exceeding expectations.
I guess the thing that was more interesting was the guy that was in one of the boardrooms today - on training, I think - and we had a little eye to eye as I passed him en route to the kitchen to grab (yet another) coffee.
Anyways. On my third trip in he came in shortly after and we made pleasant chit chat as we fumbled with Avalon milk bottles and cubes of Rogers sugar and I felt that everything that was coming out of my mouth was confused and jumbled and, at one point, he brushed against me as I was leaning into the fridge to put the milk away and I felt this jolt of electricity run through my body and I wondered "is this entirely one sided?" and "is it possible to be this turned on at 1:45pm on a random Thursday and I am entirely alone in this?".
Then he looked at my ring and said "so you're married" and I thought: do I explain my relationship situation?; do I lie?. So I decided to lie and he said "meet me in the office supply closet in ten minutes" and I was absolutely taken aback.
I mean really! What was I going for? A furtive make out session pressed against the steel bookshelves in the closet that held mass volumes of paper and Bic pens and Post It notes?
He told me that he had actually been in earlier in the week and had noticed me photocopying LOA requests and had been drawn to my surly and aloof demeanor, and the huge bags under my eyes.
Okay. I guess everyone's figured out that I'm just making this shit up at this point.
I gotta keep you on your toes.
Like what I was this morning with a furtive jet stream of water spewing at me for no particular reason.
You didn't fool me.
I knew you were kidding.
But you've fooled me before.
Especially that one about the neighbor you met in the lift; the Middle Eastern-looking one.
I was feeling so good for you after reading that story. Thinking, 'she's so lucky. She pulled a hot guy in her building'.
And then you April Fooled it all, even though it wasn't in April.
I know. But sometimes I read my blog and I'm like "wow, that's about as bland as it gets".
I need to do something exciting.
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