Monday, January 19, 2009

Still with the wireless internet issues...

Yeah. I'll have to figure that out tomorrow. I'm still really zen.
I'm finding that I'm reallllly settling into this whole "not working" thing. This could be rather detrimental. I groaned when someone called me to set up a job interview for Wednesday. Watch me subconsciously sabotage myself.
The above picture is a skirt that I saw at Winners when Michael and I went to Park Royal on Sunday. We went to the mall because we had been going for a nice walk along the beach (yes, what else would you put near a beach except for a facking mall?) and he was under dressed and was too cold so when looked at 50% off clothing so he could warm up. Anyways, I thought the skirt was really mesmerizing and Michael wanted me to by it.
I have included another photo, also taken yesterday, of me with my typical "happy face" wearing my MEC organic t-shirt, resplendent with a long sleeved t-shirt underneath and jeans that have become a little baggy on me. Oh. For shoes I was wearing those ones that got totally trashed that time that we got lost in the woods and almost didn't make it out in time and ended up being covered in mud from our feet to our mid-thighs.
The point being? Sequined purple skirts? No. Taking stairs two at a time? Yes. Stilettos? No. Kicking you in the junk cause you want to ban "The Handmaiden's Tale"? Yes. Waxing? No. Having you rub my calves which are sore from running twelve miles which I haven't shaved in three days? Absolutely.
Lastly, Michael came over for dinner tonight. And, as usual, I made it too spicy. I like a spicy meatball, what can I say? Every time I try and feed him he fans his hands in front of his mouth and gulps down all his water. I need to make more of an effort and leave the cayenne pepper out of the scenario.
Oh well. More leftovers for me.
And yes. I'm getting a haircut tomorrow.


OceanCruiserWannabe said...

That's weird - I haven't worked since December, mainly because I haven't been calling the agencies, and yesterday I thought how much I had settled into the "not working" thing too... And how much I'm enjoying it :-) I'm going out tonight, for a change, and I DON'T have to get up in the morning. Kewl!

OceanCruiserWannabe said...

PS - I like the wild hair look ;-)

judith said...

Me too, I like it the hair a little long and shaggy.

I have to cook for someone with a bland tongue too. Boring!!!!

Duder said...

Woo-hoo, Ocean Escape! How was your evening out?

Duder said...

Hey Jomamma. Yeah. Cooking for the bland. He's like "why don't you just cook the meal and then put the cayenne pepper on YOUR portion" (which makes absolute sense). It's because I enjoy seeing a grown man weeping and waving his hands in front of his mouth and motioning frantically for more water.
Is that wrong?