Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Every time I go outside I have to take my pants off

I want to go to Book Club. There are cupcakes at Book Club. There are no cupcakes here (though I do have a monkey, which you are more than welcome to touch).
Not a good day to be on the roads as evidenced by Big D's car accident today. My friends are not having the best of luck these days. I hope I'm not contagious.
Went down to apply for EI. That was a first. I thought that I would have to interact with another human (and was momentarily worried, having forgotten to put deodorant on this afternoon), but instead I got to interact with a computer. Apparently I could have done the whole thing from home. Who knew? Moreover, who the fuck cares?
Major accomplishments today: not slipping and breaking the bottle of Farnese that I carried from Esplanade to 15th (oh yes, I will go to Book Club, oh yes indeed) and taking my pants off twice.
Further anticipated accomplishments: going to the gym; getting irate on public transit; continuing to try very hard to be positive.


judith said...

You took you pant's off twice walking down Esplanade to 15th... that should have gotten you a ride from someone! It must really be snowing hard!

Duder said...

I should maybe revise the title of the post. See, I went outside a couple of times and when I came in my pants were soaking so I had to take them off.
That's the story there.
Pretty sad, I admit