Monday, October 6, 2008

The internets confuse me

Okay. I love the CBC and they air this show called "The Tudors" which is pretty saucy when people aren't being tortured and having their heads cut off. So, what I do is, I hook my laptop up to my 42" tv (which really isn't a tv, it's a monitor) and I think "I will download an episode and watch it because I'm really bored since I dropped a fork off the balcony and hit someone on the head and they were taken to the hospital and an unwitting sap who happened to be out barbequing on his balcony at about the same time was subsequently arrested". Anyways, you know how if you have a slow internet connection you can start to play a video and then just let it run and buffer and all and then just slide the thing back to start and watch it unimpeded? Well that doesn't happen on the CBC. You can only watch the episodes with a fast connection. It'll let you buffer for like, two minutes, but then you're like, "I'm not doing this 23 times even though I think I might get to see Jonathan Rhys Meyers get all hot and steamy playing... that guy that cut Anne Boleyn's head off. Goddamn my knowledge of history sucks".
The point being that my internet connection sucks but I refuse to pay more for it (I think I currently pay $20 or $25 a month) because I think that all forms of communication should be a shitload cheaper than what they are. I understand that we Canucks are getting rooked on our cell phone bills. I pay close to $60 a month and I have a shit phone with a basic plan. WTF? I love the CRTC fee. I hope part of it goes to subsidize the making of "The Tudors" which I can't watch cause I'm too poor to shell out $40 for an internet connection.
When I was single, living in Kerrisdale I totally hijacked someone's unsecured wireless network. It was awesome. It was slow, but satisfying. Which reminds me: I haven't had sex in a great number of days. One of the super perks of marathoning. You're either too sore, too tired or too pressed for time because you're working out 5 days a week. It's right up there with foot cramps, gagging on gels and trying to fit into mainstream society when your face is streaked with salt residue. Marathoning: no sport is sexier.
It's 8:10 and I'm still bored. Fucking internet. Anyways, I had sent my brother an email earlier today thanking him for lending me the BBC "Planet Earth" series and asking how he was doing finding a tenant for his basement suite. I was laughing out loud when I got his email, the snippets of which are:
"I do have a new tenant, I think. He's 30, works as a software development supervisor, or some shit, reenacts medieval wars, and plays dungeons and dragons. I know he's home when his car is parked out front. I don't hear him pull up, close his car door, open or close the back door or make any noise period. I think he is full of shit, he's a navy seal spy from the states, trained in stealth.
I don't remember the last one being a downer [I had asked if I should watch the last BBC DVD which has such titles as "Saving Species" and "Living Together" which I'm convinced is going to show mass devastation and lots of dead, mangled animals]. Did you see the one with the pores that make the ants climb trees and die and shit sprouts from their head? WTF. Seriously, I think they put that in there to see what we would believe."
Yep, for a 26 year old, my brother is a pretty with it, funny, smart guy. I'm really lucky to be related to such an individual. He still leaves messages on my phone saying, "Hey. It's your little brother calling" and he's six feet tall. Still flinches when I make sudden movements in his general direction.
As it should be.


Anonymous said...

your training him at a young age has worked wonders for me..
and the dude downstairs is quiet. i really honestly think he teleports himself into the basement because you don't hear him. or he tiptoes.. im going to go with tiptoes, thats much more amusing.

Anonymous said...

oh and also...
welcome to my sexless life! :P

Duder said...

Wow. Quiet neighbours are da bomb, I hope he works out for you guys! I'm currently embroiled in an escalating battle with my strata corp about the rubbing/squeaking noise that the elevator makes and... it's lots of fun.
I'm ornery. ;)

Godinla said...

I told Overboard to send you some socks. Once upon a time I sent her several pairs of socks and it's time for her to pay it forward.


Margarita Mirasol said...

You make me larf. Ha ha at lots of stuff. Boy, I just quaffed 3/4 of a Frontera in one hour. It's getting too easy. Tastes so good. Looked for that other one today but no luck.
Um, in other news and comments, I think it's so wonderful you have a friendly, loving sibling. My closest, same mother, The Beast, is a totally angry, bitter person and wrote me off years ago. I'm so cool, too. Such a shame. If you google her name, Lucy Hayreh, you will find her to be really into signing petitions.
All my half-sisters, who I have no contact with - real dad doesn't want to really know me cos of future inheritance problems - fker - [makes me want to claim now, I wouldn't have even thought of money otherwise] love animals, as do I. I think it is a crying shame that my family sucks.
A crying shame.

Duder said...

Thanks, God, but I need to pay it forward cause of all the great music I recently got from Overboard (I'm actually about to head out and listen to it on my run).
I don't know why I keep forgetting to buy socks. I go out thinking "I need socks" and come back with wine. It's bizarre.

Duder said...

Ahoy Overboard. That is a crying shame about your family. Family is interesting because you were sort of forced to be with them growing up, but then (for the most part) you can discover that they're actually interesting people with lives outside of the one they have with you.
Plus, nothing you do can ever surprise them cause they already know what you're (in)capable of.