Monday, October 6, 2008


I'm so bored. I left work a little early cause my computer was not working to its full potential (like, um, me) so someone from the tech team was trying to repair it. I should stop downloading so much porn at work, I guess.
Because my bum still hurts I thought I would take a day off of exercising. I should never not exercise. It makes me antsy and I am unable to entertain myself. I may drop cutlery off my 10th floor balcony later on this evening to see what transpires.
It's also really cold and I could fix that by shutting my bedroom window, but again I run into the issue of not having any socks and having to expose my dainty, soft (to be read: horned and calloused) feet to the chill, cruel world that exists outside the cozy confines of my IKEA blanket (which is really Michael's but I knicked it).
Sometimes, when I'm really, really bored I play online chess. I always select the easiest level, and I always lose. Fuckers.

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