Friday, October 24, 2008

I feel very fortunate today

I don't think I want the other job. I like my current job. It's not the work, it's the people. I love my job because of the people I work with. I interrupted one coworker because my headphones weren't working and I wanted to watch this video:

Then four of us went for coffee and talked about nothing. And then the Robot Liberator came in and talked about bamboo and bio diesel and said, "I'm going on a rant here" and I was like, "Okay. That's cool" and then he was like, "I might email you subsequent rants. But emailing's not the same" and I suggested that, to adequately express his rage, he use capital letters, but I don't think I sold him on it. Maybe bolding or underlining would be the way to go.
He expressed consternation about the way that I put it all out there on my blog. Well, I don't put it all out there, that's for sure, but a good segment of my daily life does end up here. This is predominately because I have a huge ego (in some regards). And also because recapping my thoughts on a regular basis helps me to centre myself. Lastly, this is a diary and a historical (albeit flippant, revisionist and far more humorous) recap of my life and I like re-reading it from time to time and laughing about how I had peanut butter on my face the other day. And shaking with fear from the memories of the stilt people. Fuckers.
Plus, I like to go through my photos from time to time to remind myself who I am and where I've been because it helps me to believe that I'm on the right path. Which I'm quite sure I am because I returned "The Joy Luck Club" and season three of "Southpark" to the library today without incurring any late fees. Plus? The three martinis that I drank with dinner had a portion of the proceeds going to the Children's Hospital. Alcoholism = charity. Then our waiter said, "If you go home with me $350 gets donated to 'Orphans Without Gonads'" and I thought that sounded a bit suspicious.
So I asked for a tax receipt.


Margarita Mirasol said...

This was a nice post.
It's why I used to blog.
The diary factor.

Godinla said...

Bead, you still blog. I will follow you to the Gates of Hell or even to Duder's place.

Dude, I read you every day. You are my permanent fixture in this e-universe. Is that sad? Who gives a shit? Life is sad. Reading is happy.

judith said...

You three are what keeps me going every day... I start my day checking on you and end my day checking on you. I check on ya'll more than I do my kids. I would probably jump off a water tower in a Popeye dive if it wasn't for ya'll.

Duder said...

Wow, guys. Thanks for the nice feedback, it made my morning. At first I misread Overboard's comment and thought she had wrote "the dairy factor " and I was momentarily confused.
This reminds me that I need to look further into the soy versus dairy debate because I thought soy was the way to go and now I'm hearing it's not.