Friday, October 24, 2008

Not until you get the irony...

Over a week ago Michael mentioned that progress had come to a halt on a really large waterfront development in North Vancouver (next to Lonsdale Quay). He thought it was really strange and went into the sales centre where no one came out to talk to him. Then he went to the job shack where they told him that construction had been put on hold. We had a lengthy conversation about how weird it was that a project of such magnitude being shelved wasn't making news in the local paper here. Like, there wasn't a whisper of what the deal was with this huge, expensive, half built structure that has been under development for months which suddenly and inexplicably stopped. I know the media here is bunk, and I was really upset to think that somehow the developers were able to keep it under wraps.
Anyways, Michael and a couple of his coworkers wandered down to check the lack of progress on their lunch hour today and, lo and behold, CTV was there interviewing people. So he made it on the news! You can see him around 3:30 into the "Stalled condo projects and the B.C. probe" segment here:
I just think it's really weird that Michael noticed it, had a big discussion on the lack of media coverage and then happens by it on his lunch hour and runs into CTV News while there. He said there was even a chopper flying overhead getting aerial shots.
And it's even weirder that we both bumped into Bill Good when I was buying wine a few months ago while in trendy Edgemont. And that I once got into a fight with a CTV executive that took issue with my CBC t-shirt (this occurred while I was drinking wine). That's one of my favourite all time stories behind: the time my dad was bit by a scorpion in Mexico; how I saved my brother from drowning; the number of times I've seen Jim Byrnes around town; and how my dad, Michael and I almost burned down the Finnerties. Good times.
Anyways. Now Michael is referring to himself as a "tv personality" and has an entourage. I tried to call him but some bimbo named Candie answered the phone. WTF?? It was a six second sound bite!
He he. Isn't he cute? I can get his autograph for you.