Monday, October 27, 2008

Awww... really?

On my way to the bus this morning I saw a city worker "cleaning" the sidewalks with a leaf blower. I mean, come on.
A) I had grit on my face when I just checked in the mirror because of all the debris that was being flung into the air.
B) Leaf blowers are environmentally ridiculous.
C) And, um, what is their point? You're just blowing crap around.
I think I may have to write a letter or possibly even make a phone call.


Margarita Mirasol said...

Do it! Do It!

I hate leaf manhandling. They do it in Japan, too.

Duder said...

I did. I emailed the maintenance department of the city and tried not to come across as a raging jerk and parted with "I'm proud of the City of North Vancouver. It's beautiful and well maintained with a great public transit system and it's very walkable. It's a jarring juxtaposition to have to bypass someone operating something as ugly and inefficient as a leaf blower. Could you tell me if there are other options that the City might consider, or if there is a plan to phase these out?".
We'll see. Government organizations are always so welcoming to comments and suggestions from helpful taxpayers...

judith said...

Nicely said, I'm composing a letter to our city council about their continued avoidance of the Dart Rail system coming through Allen. They are pissing other towns up the line off b/c the towns to the North want the train, but Allen is the hold up. They keep saying it will attract "those people" to our sweet little town. What do they care? They don't live in the hood like me... No they would rather drive a Hummer and throw Styrofoam cups on the ground... They'd probably turn their nose up at the diva cup too.

Duder said...

The same thing happened when I lived in Kerrisdale (a posh, wealthy area in Vancouver). They wanted to put the Skytrain through the neighbourhood (on an existing path that used to be a working train track) and everyone was all NIMBY (not in my backyard). Politics + money = fun for the whole family!

Anonymous said...

Love that NIMBY... got to remember it. Yeah, we already have two tracks... one coming and one going... assholes. If the train was there I could go from about 3 miles of my house all the way to my in-laws by train... ASSHOLES!