Monday, October 27, 2008

I luvva, luvva, luvva you

I had a good day today. I got along with everyone. I smiled and laughed and was pleasant for the most part. I went out for lunch with Work Husband and then we fondled $300 gloves at Holt Renfrew. I started to panic when I couldn't find the exit.
Came home and cancelled the second interview that I was scheduled for tomorrow. I don't want to leave my job. I'm an accountant: it's never going to be exciting (although an ex-boss of mine applied for a job with the Gaming Commission in the States and I believe carrying a firearm was part of the deal, and a segment of the selection process involved running around a track, so that's kind of entertaining... and then there were the police accountants that raided us and seized our ledgers when I was at my first job). Okay, accounting can be a little exciting sometimes. But basically the job is going to be the same wherever you go. I'm not ever going to get any kind of creative satisfaction from reconciling the bank account or doing a cheque run. So if it's not the work itself, what is it? It's the people. This is the fourth company that I have worked for and the people are of a caliber that is out of this world. No other company has come close to this one. I think that, in four years, I've just become accustomed to them and to being treated really well so when something minor happens I get in a huff and figure I should find a new job.
I also think it has to do with this four year itch I appear to get. I worked at one job for two years, and the other two I was there for four years. In two months I will have been at my current job for four years so, if I continue on, it will be my longest job to date.
Don't sweat the petty things. And don't pet the sweaty things.
Just trying to chill more. Life is good. What's there to get all emotional about? Relax.
Oh, an ex of mine used to say that to me and it would send me through the freaking roof. "Relax," he'd say when I'd come home to find his stinky socks in the middle of the living room floor and his empty cereal bowl sitting on the counter above the dishwasher.
Also? His cat hated me, and I hated it. And I love animals - even my mom's stupid cat that is currently living under her quilt because he's a neurotic spazz and hasn't been able to adjust to the new condo that he lives in.
Felix. Felix the cat.


judith said...

Awww, Felix looks sort of like our old cat Ellie Mae. She was built for comfort too. Is that green swag thing above his head part of a plant?

Duder said...

The green thing is the branch of a monkey tree! It's cool, there aren't that many of them around. It's a shame that the developers will be tearing down our old house and likely taking down the monkey tree (and all the other trees) when they develop the property.