Sunday, June 19, 2011

On sleeping in my own bed

I go through spates of time when I feel I shouldn't have bought a place. I'm never here. But when I am here, I do want to be alone.
I'm in a weird mood. This post will be all over the place. Such has been life lately.
Where did we leave off?
Came back from the Island. Ran the aforementioned six miles too soon. Had to drop in to see my doctor for something that could have been something which would have supremely fucked up my life but it turned out to be nothing and so we went and checked out "Midnight in Paris" and had a beer afterwards.
I panic when I think about what will happen when Woody Allen is gone. I watch his movies and I think "why write anything? Why even try?". The Black Keys. Mark Zuckerburg. Am I supposed to compete with these people? Frank Lloyd Wright. Alphonse Mucha. I suppose I'm not supposed to actually compete with them, but I'm supposed to be cool being me because we're all winners and on sports day we all get participation ribbons, but fundamentally the reason that I'm in therapy (dig this: my therapist calls me tonight to bump my meeting from 9:10 to 8:40 and I think "who the fuck is in therapy at 8:40 in the morning?". I'm not even fully conscious until at least 10am) is because I'm bored but too lazy and afraid to actually do something about it.
Let's see. The most avant garde thing that I've done in the past week is not torch a cop car and close down my Facebook account. WINNING.
I lie. I did refuse to eat the shark fin soup at last night's wedding. I was like "is this really actual shark fin soup?" and they were like, yes, and I was like "that's just totally not cool" and I put it back on the lazy Susan and so did a couple of other people and then someone said we had the beginnings of a PETA chapter on our hands at that particular table.
Weddings. Whole other tangent there. Hats off to you should you pursue this particular endeavour. My life, in fact, would probably be less complicated if I subscribed to the ideals of marriage, but then I'd have nothing to blog about.
And I'd have to kill this blog in addition to my Facebook account.
What fun would that be?


Margarita Mirasol said...

Your posts are so funny and your life is richly lived because you think about it. Love it. I'd have done the same thing with the soup.
A 'reader' over on my blog recently said this about me, "I sense you are a tad 'prickly' and defensive sometimes..."

Yeah, so what.
She's a newish reader/commentator, got a bit miffed about my slaggin' orf the F.UK all the time.

Don't change.
I also think your therapist should pay you for your company, not the other way round.

Duder said...

LOL. I'll propose that on Monday. She'll likely then recommend electro shock therapy.