Thursday, June 16, 2011

It was too soon for six miles today

After the race we didn't do much. Took it easy. Michael announced to everyone we met that I had won and kept randomly grabbing my hand and raising it up as though I was a boxer in the ring. I eventually told him, politely, that besides he and I? Likely no one really cared and so we should just keep it on the down low.
The following day we drove to Tofino to visit Michael's niece and her fiance. Ironically we will be going back over there in a few weeks for their wedding. It was wonderful to finally meet Adam and to catch up with Katie, having not seen her for months? Years? They showed us around Tofino and took us for lunch at a swank restaurant. Michael was fully planning on paying the bill but they usurped us rather stealthily. We'll get them back...
Returned home on Tuesday. So much driving. Fell asleep in the car on the car deck.
Watched the Canucks lose on Wednesday night and then stayed up until midnight watching the ensuing riots. It's times like this when I fucking hate Vancouver. And then it's times like this when a Facebook group gets together to organize thousands of volunteers to clean up the city that I love Vancouver.
It was very disturbing watching the black, smokey plume of smoke snake up from the downtown core as cars were overturned and set on fire.
Today we ran six miles. I was only supposed to run three. I really only should have run three. Ouch.


Godinla said...

I couldn't believe the riots. My experience of Vancouver is so opposite of that night. I love how clean the city is and how sweet the people are. I love Vancouver. Riots happen in LA when the Laker's WIN! That's so wrong. Embarrassing really. The Vancouver riot was shocking.

By the way, you ran 6 miles because you are a masochist. Time to face facts.

judith said...

Would you believe I heard nothing about riots in Vancouver? Besides the fact that I don't really follow sports, all they've shown in a week is THE MAVERICKS!!!! If I have to listen to Dirk sing "We are the Champions" one more time I may have a riot.
How angry must one be to turn a car over? Or were they happy?

Duder said...

Yes, it was embarassing. I am pleased though that they cleaned up very quickly the next day. Silver lining and all that. We actually drove by one of the stores that had been looted on Wednesday and it was 100% back to normal today. :)

Margarita Mirasol said...

I love the photos of the beaches.