Saturday, June 25, 2011

And then?

Watched "Megamind" tonight. Meh. The main character sounded so much like Ron Burgundy. I wanted more. Tina Fey, for chrissakes!
Injured, it would seem. Dropped out of Sunday's half marathon which is only the BEST HALF MARATHON EVER. I love the Scotiabank half. It's such a beautiful (net downhill!!) run.
Massage therapy tonight and the RMT couldn't get my hips aligned. I have an appointment with my physio on Monday to hopefully get this fixed ASAP.
Depression. Man, it's funny: I bitch and moan about how much running cuts into my social life and then when I can't run? I just want to crawl into bed and die.
Anyways. Life is in a holding pattern until I figure out what the fuck is wrong with my hips. I have one anterior and one posterior rotated hip. My RMT said "it's like a corkscrew". Great.
Hey, I've got an alternate way of opening wine now.
Silver lining?


Don said...

Get thee to a chiropractor . . .

Margarita Mirasol said...

You can never have enough positions for opening bottles of wine.

Margarita Mirasol said...

Ditto the chiro comment.

Duder said...

Not a fan of chiropractors: doesn't solve the problem of what is actually causing the issue. I'm going to physio on Monday. Likely she'll tell me what she told me a couple of years ago when I ended up there: more stability training; more foam roller; more stretching. None of which I was doing before I turned into a corkscrew. :(
Hopefully she'll advocate more wine, as well. :P