Sunday, June 26, 2011

On loving my life

As mentioned previously I am not running in tomorrow's race. I'm supremely bummed about it on many levels.
On the upside, I'm super excited to be hanging out with Big D at the finish line, waiting for all our friends and relatives to finish. I never "don't" run and so being a spectactor will be pretty exciting/frustrating.
A huge shout out to Super Mommy, who will also be racing tomorrow: you go girl. You rock. You are hardcore. A super smart intellectual, a triathlete, a teacher and a friend from grade school, no less.
Another high five for C, who is currently embroiled in the Full Moon in June adventure race. I have been checking the updates on FB currently to see where his team is. He takes "racing" to a whole. Nother. Level. Cannot wait for the post race report.
So. Good luck to everyone who is attempting to accomplish anything this weekend.
You guys rock.


Big D said...


SuperMommy said...

Thanks buddy! Second in my age group! Next goal: Olympic tri next year. The highlight of the triathlon was watching my little man do his own "tiny tri". He took it so seriously, trained for it regularly, struggled with the swim but still persevered, and got a participant medal at the end.

I know how hard it is to sit out with an injury. When I tore my MCL halfway through hockey season I was so bummed. I couldn't stand not playing. I am not a spectator.

Hope the road to recovery is a smooth one for you.

Duder said...

Congrats, SuperMommy: that is totally fantastic! You must be stoked. An Olympic tri next year. Awesome. Where? I would make a roadtrip out of it to come and see you!

Yes. Being sidelined f*cking sucks. I am going to physio in 45 minutes so hopefully I will leave there with good news!