Monday, May 9, 2011

Thirty miles

Friday night we went out with some friends. I drank too much. That NEVER happens. Apparently I was a bit belligerent. That NEVER happens. I do recall having to concentrate quite hard at staying on the sidewalk to get back to Michael's place. Good times.
Ran ten miles the next day at race pace. With a cold. And a hangover. I was right pleased with myself. Went back to Michael's to watch the Canucks play, got into an argument and went back to my place. Good thing we don't live 30 kilometres apart like we used to.
Even though we had no small disagreement the night before, Michael was still there to help me through Sunday's twenty mile run. He ran with me for about eight miles, even though he had run a blistering marathon the week before. He brought extra gels for me, and even a mini Toblerone which I had when I was at mile 17 with dead legs and a seemingly insurmountable hill to tackle.
At one point of the run he took a detour so he didn't have to run an extra four miles and as I went straight and he banked right he kissed me and said "think of me waiting for you, sweetie. Come back to me".
Sunday afternoon we went to my mom's and met up with Jay and A and then we went on to dinner at UBC with the extended family. It was fun to catch up at the "children's table" with my brother and his partner. I have a great family. I'm a very lucky person to have been able to visit with my mom and grandmother who was wearing this super smart suit and I was like, "Whoa, are you here to interview me?".
I hope I got the job.


judith said...

Do you realize how lucky you are to have him in your life?

Duder said...

I do. I sometimes take him for granted which is terrible. I need to work harder on appreciating him more. :)