Sunday, February 20, 2011

Putting one foot in front of the other

Woke up this morning, saw it was -4C out and contemplated going back to bed. I didn't need to do the 16 miles since my race is maybe six weeks after the Vancouver marathon, but I felt compelled to be social (though I did try and convince Michael to stay at the pub last night and drink beer and watch hockey and said we could run later in the day).
Gotta admit that I put myself behind the eight ball having probably not fully recovered from last weekend's First Half (and then further more going to yoga, doing abs and legs at the gym, and going for too late a run yesterday). It was a hilly, hard run and I didn't even need to do it, but it was such a sterling day and the company was great and the aid stations were sweet. I did try and encourage some of my fellow runners to take shortcuts towards the end of the run and karma then rewarded me with a rather impressive blister on my bloated baby toe.
It's been such a beautiful (albeit cold) weekend. Lots of time outdoors enjoying North and West Van and tomorrow I go to Kits to take care of yet another small, furry being. Well, he's not that small, I guess.
I'm still covered in cat hair.


judith said...

My mother-in-law believes life isn't complete without cat hair. I'm so over the cold weather.

Duder said...

Yeah. You'd think it was February or some damn thing. ;)