Monday, February 21, 2011

On pure, dumb luck

Today I ran on the treadmill in shorts and a tank top while it snowed outside.
Then a bunch of other things happened which likely don't happen to most people on a given Monday, namely because they're at work.
Like Big D said over sushi tonight: it's about balance.
I'll add to that, and say that it's about balance and perspective. It's easy to get introspective about things and to dwell on certain happenings. But it's increasingly hard to feel at all hard done by with your feet up next to the blazing fireplace as you read Ayn Rand and listen to Sarah Vaughan and you have a three day work week ahead of you.
I guess that was my moment of being in the Now.
Need to be a little more consistent on that front.
Now. Now is where it's at.
It's all happening Now.


Godinla said...

There is only now.

By the way, hello friend.

Big D said...

and here.


Here. Now.
Here. Now.
rinse and repeat.