Sunday, February 13, 2011

On running

I feel compelled to blog even though I thought I might not do it anymore.
It's funny the things you continue to do even though you think you might not, or ought not to.
Went to the Dan Mangan concert solo on Friday night and had a brilliant time. I scored a second row balcony seat and left it to go dance with some other revellers. CBC inspired concerts = good people. Came home to Bean.
Package pick up in Kits yesterday followed by a visit with my mom and Jay. That was nice. The weather was shit when I went for my 20 minute run yesterday.
Today: perfect. I mean, come on. It's February in Vancouver and I'm running wearing a long sleeved and short sleeved shirt? I even threw away my gloves.
I was hoping for a sub 1.:45 which I know isn't super fast but I got 4 hours sleep the night before and my period decided to show up a week early so I was totally high on extra-strength Motrin. Came in at 1.:43 and change. Not bad considering I haven't really trained for anything. Michael was ten minutes faster.
Good, fast course. Super fast runners. Awesome spread afterwards. Excellent volunteers. It was my first time running the First Half and it was definitely a high calibre event. If I do it again I will definitely train harder.
Napped with Bean. It's a body warmth thing. Then went for dinner at Sushi Bella with Michael using the gift certificate L&L left me. That was perfect. I love sushi and it was quasi-Valentine's Day and I looked like a hero picking up the bill that was already essentially covered, and I was grateful for this given my impending $1,500 bill for the Fairmont Chicago which should be arriving soon....


judith said...

What's a Bean? And don't tell me it's a legume.

I'm glad you've decided to blog again.

Duder said...

Bean is the cat I am currently, um, catsitting.