Wednesday, February 16, 2011

On overdoing it

Yeah. I'm still doing that. But I acknowledge it and have booked next Friday off to simply be alone in my apartment.
This morning literally started with a bang at 6am with Bean making a horrific hissing sound before bolting full tilt boogie through the cat door and yowling and growling at whatever was chasing her. With my eyes still closed I rushed into the kitchen, clapping my hands and turning on lights and throwing the curtain open to reveal the terrifying spectre of my 125lb self wearing over sized Elizabeth Claiborn pajamas to whatever it was that lurked outside the window. One doesn't really go back to sleep after that.
And what exactly was lurking outside the window?
After being a pissy bitch to Michael today (scoff: today) and coming to his place to retrieve some items that I had accidentally left with him post race on Sunday (which he "accidentally" left in the hallway outside his door: ha ha) I told him about the Bean story and how frightened I had been that whatever had been chasing Bean would have just come bolting through the cat door and then have become disoriented and bewildered and it would have to be up to me to somehow get it out again.
He laughed and said it was a pretty small cat door, and what exactly did I think it was? Well, since my two fears in life are bears and sharks I naturally thought it was a bear. He surmised that potentially a little bear cub could have squeezed through the cat door and then reassured me that it would be the mother bear crashing through the sliding glass door that would really be the issue.
It's not funny to joke about BEARS. I'm going to have nightmares tonight and I forgot to grab my Melatonin.
In other news, I relocate to Kits Monday. I always love house sitting in Kits... for about five days. Poor, fat Felix. But I do so love running in Kits.
Speaking of running: Sunday's 16 miler? TOO SOON. I mean, I'm never one to complain about mileage but... cough.
I want to cut my hair short again.
I'm covered in cat hair.
I think a bear is watching me as I write this.


judith said...

I was calmly sitting in my living room once (at the time I lived way out in the boonies) when a stray barn cat (who had it in for my cat) decided to jump on the screen of an open window. The screen fell to the ground and the stray came in and came barreling down the hallway after my cat. All I saw was a flash of white and I hear cats hissing and growling. I jumped sky high and tried to yell at the stray as my cat ran by on her way to the 3 inches of space between the top of the fridge and the cabinet. My scream/yell/groan sounded like some kind of Sasquatch cry of agony. It even scared me. I wish I had a video of it. I can't help but laugh every time I think about it. At the time I didn't laugh, it scared me. I got my cat and went down the road to a friend's house. I can't even recreate the sound that came out of me, but it sure makes me laugh to think about it. Thanks for reminding me. Don't let the cat out tonight and put something in front of the cat door.

Duder said...

Cats make a goddamned racket when they fight. It's truly terrifying, especially when you're roused from a dead slumber to that sound.
As I write this Bean is sleeping soundly in a nest I made for her out of a blanket because it's so facking cold here tonight.