Tuesday, January 18, 2011

That toddlin' town

Found a cheap hotel for the Chicago marathon week.
Now I'm on the fence. I had really only mentally prepared myself for one marathon: the Edge to Edge. This means another marathon four months later which is perfectly fine, but then we have Boston in April 2012.
Something about all my vacation plans centering around marathons is rubbing me the wrong way (not to mention getting expensive).
I know I will like Chicago, though. And when the hell else will I get to visit another beautiful city?
I want to go to Europe. And Japan. And Marfa, Texas.
Yay, indecisiveness!
Currently on the outs with Ex-Work Husband.
I fucking can't stand being on the outs with people. It's like having one of those painful sores on the end of your thumb. You know those little slits that materialize when it's really dry out and things like washing your hands exacerbate it?
Yeah. I have one of those, too.


judith said...

Hey my sister-in-law has a house she rents out near Marfa, Texas. Check it out, just go to www.lacasitagrande.com. It's really cool down there, but you may want to go in the Spring or the Fall.

Anonymous said...

You're so funny.

Duder said...

I will get to Marfa one day. Thanks for the link! I read about Marfa in a Vanity Fair magazine some years ago and I was like "I want that".

Maria: I'm not trying to be funny. The cut on the end of my finger hurts! ;)

Big D said...

Hmm, I think you should save and go experience Europe or Japan. some other culture than North American. You need to.

Duder said...

I concur, but I think the deal is pretty much sealed. Michael actually was receptive to the concept of Europe in fall 2012. He's never been in favor of it, so I shall beat him into acqueiscence.