Friday, January 21, 2011

Definitely Dire

I can't believe this. It's 2011. If you don't like the song, change the goddamn channel.
And who is the maddening brilliant person that, after the song has been on the air for 26 years, decided he didn't like the use of the word "faggot"?
Good Christ. Why do I get out of bed on a daily basis when I have to deal with fucktards like this one.
The term is not used in a derogatory way:
"We gotta move these color TV's,
See the little faggot with the earring and the makeup?
Yeah buddy that's his own hair,
That little faggot got his own jet airplane
That little faggot he's a millionaire"
It's sarcasm. It's being facetious. It's tongue in cheek.
To quote Amy Winehouse: "what kind of fuckery is this?".


Big D said...

This really pissed me off. I FB'd it a week or so ago. Also commented on it on the CBC Facebook page. And outed myself on national 'radio?'. LOL.

So fucking stupid. Censorship is evil. Hello. 1984!

One pissed off faggot.

Big D said...
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Big D said...

he he he. See my rant on January 17th 7:03 am.

It was longer, but comments are restricted to under 500 words or some silly thing.

Big D said...

faggot faggot faggot

Duder said...

LOL. Yeah. It's wrong on so many levels.
Totally gay.


Big D said...

I am shocked and appalled!! I just was reading our local gay newspaper that carried this story of course and did an 'on-line poll' (so take in that context) and over 29% of the readers who took the poll are in favour of the CBSC decision to censure the word 'faggot' from that song and from the airwaves also I would imagine. this is the gay and gay-friendly community. Preferring censorship!!! I.. I... I... want to go back to bed and wake up when people have grabbed a clue. Maybe '1984' should be required reading in schools. Or has it been censored too? Or burned?