Sunday, December 12, 2010

I'm good at reading people until I'm not

Did nothing today.
Slept in. Watched "Fur". It wasn't a critical success, but it was entertaining and visually stimulating and erotic.
I am not enjoying "Loving Frank". Not only does the book suck, but I wonder if it has somehow cheapened his legacy or something. I hope that, after I become famous and die, no one writes a book which surmises conversations that I might have had because no one could ever surmise the conversations that I have had.
Am almost done "Secretary" which I am enjoying more than "Fur" and hi, welcome to the one of like three days per year where I haven't got at least two things plus a run on the docket.
Sitting around makes me think too much, and who likes thinking?
Ah. But I am thinking. About eyelashes, and the shortness of life and randomness and how, no matter what happens over the next few days: happiness comes from within.

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