Saturday, December 18, 2010

Darling, is this love?

Slept in too late today. Like, way too late. Too late to squeeze a run in after hoofing it home and greeting my mom having just stepped out of the shower before hopping in the car to get to Abbotsford for dinner with Jay and A and her family. I'm so pleased that Ellie didn't hate me this year. Me and kids: not so much. But I was so sad when she showcased a strong dislike for me last year. This year I was allowed to shoot her little suction cup gun which I think has forged the basis for a strong relationship in the years to come.
Ate too much Chinese food, went back to Jay's. He created an Avatar and messed around in some PS3 equivalent of Second Life and we discussed how socially bizarre and surreal technology has become. Or maybe that was me and my mom just being old. One never knows.
Then back in the car, dropped my mom in Kits, enjoyed the amazing views coming over the Lionsgate listening to Espace Musique (which I have managed to bookmark as a favourite on my computer after eventually navigating my way through their website so I could ecoutez la radio whenever I so desire).
Now my lower back hurts from driving so much and sitting on my ass all day and I should go to bed except I would like an hour to myself and I'm wondering if it's too late to start a movie and if I should buy the Best of the Doves album.
Oh, and I got this kick ass Christmas wreath from my mom: it's made out of peacock feathers.


Godinla said...

Cool feather wreath and yeah, technology has taken us to a strange place. It's only going to get better/worse. My kids know and do things that I could not have imagined at their age. Brave new world.

judith said...

Very cool wreath!

I predict our left thumbs will recede from lack of use and we'll all forget how to write with a pen or pencil. But then again, our index fingernails may turn into graphite, but we still won't know how to form letters and proper sentences. It makes me sad when my mother-in-law says "don't they teach kids penmanship in school anymore? What happened to push pulls and loops?" That makes me feel old too that I know what she's talking about.

Duder said...

Yeah, it's a head scratcher for sure. And is technology making us go forwards, backwards or sideways?