Monday, December 20, 2010

Things. And stuff.

Michael left for Penticton today. Now I am alone. I mean, really, I am always alone fundamentally, aren't I? I destroy chances at true intimacy deliberately or by being aloof, and then I try and pick that missing intimacy up elsewhere, to varying degrees of success.
I suppose I could get into the minutiae of it at this point but why? I kept on thinking about how good I felt after yoga on Thursday. Focused. Calm. Clear. Content. Why I can't I be like that all the time? I can't do yoga all the time and I can't run all the time and so somehow I'm going to have to find that zen on my own. I'll put it on my to-do list.
Speaking of things on my to-do list, I finally watched "Three Days of the Condor". Another great movie that was recommended to me. It was made in 1975 and Robert Redford was - and remains - hot. The last twenty minutes of the movie are just fantastic. If you can, you should watch it. If you don't think you will watch the movie, I at least encourage you to watch the finale and to remember that it was made in 1975.


Godinla said...

I just watched it two months ago on basic cable TV. Forgot how great this movie was. After I watched it, I got it on Netflix and "forced" my son to watch it too. He loved it.

I don't know why this is striking me at the moment but I have a book that I want you to read. Quirky, well written, inspiring. It's called "Geek Love" by Katherine Dunn. You will not be able to put it down. It will repulse and fascinate you at the same time. You will never forget it or me for recommending it. If you can't find it, let me know and I'll buy it here and send it to you.

It's a must.

judith said...

That is so wild! I'd forgotten about that movie, going to request it on Netflix and have Jeffrey watch it, good idea Brian. Art imitating life or vise versa?

I agree, he was hot and still is and Cliff Robertson wasn't too shabby either.

I also had a flash back that in 1975 I was wearing my Uncle Joe's genuine Navy Pea Coat (from the 50's)... I miss that coat. Glad they are back in style.