Saturday, December 11, 2010

Birthday weekend

Ugh. So much eating. I'm just hitting the treadmill at this point to try and keep things somewhat reasonable, but it's a losing battle. My mom picked up this cake on Lonsdale and it was so good and I tried to make my brother eat most of it, but I still have two and a half pieces left. Probably one and a half before this night is out.
It was great to see A before she leaves for Christmas with her family: that was a nice and unanticipated surprise (and what is that perfume you were wearing?? it was simply awesome and I want some).
Drinks, dinner, visiting, cake, lots of animated discussion about UFC, boxing, Ann Coulter, revolution, consumerism, Obama, brand names. Too much fun. I think Michael just quietly tolerates us as we rant and rave. Poor guy.
I love everyone so much.
Sappy grin...


Anonymous said...

ohhh Elle by Yves St Laurent!! uhh I got it in Paris, but I know you can buy it in sephora! I saw it!

Duder said...

Well, Paris. La dee dah. ;) I will try and find some at Sephora. I am very picky with perfumes but I love yours!!

Anonymous said...

haha well i didnt think we could get it in canada, so i hunted it down and i found it in sephora in like, the smallest size possible. i wish there was a bigger size :( im almost out.

Duder said...

Well clearly another trip to Paris is in order!