Thursday, November 25, 2010

A white, powdery substance

The snow is here. It's warmed up to a balmy -3. Bastards. Today's commute should absolutely suck both going and coming from work.
Maybe I'll just drive my car into a pole, have done with it and go back to bed.
You know the sad bit? Those two potted plants I bought to spruce up the joint when I put it on the market in the spring (fully thinking I would kill them within a month)? They've both been flowering! In November! But then we had the cold snap and it was windy and one of them fell over and when I picked it up it was frozen solid.
Kinda bummed me out.


judith said...

I just harvested a butt load of peppers off 4 pepper plants that I'd given up for dead (fried) back in September. It's amazing how plants grow without water. Snow.... yuck.

Pseudonym said...

..and I just bought a high powered rear wheel drive convertible.

'tis the season...


judith said...

Woo Hoo, welcome to the topless club!