Monday, July 5, 2010

A new, new leaf

Okay. So I've started the process of sucking less recently (please keep your idiotic comments to yourself). And it's going pretty well, but I could do better. And, like a diet, once you put it out there? You kind of have to go with it. So this is me, putting it out there.
These are the things I need to work on and hopefully change:

  • Being in the now. I always fail at this. Tolle says you should be in one of three modalities: acceptance; enjoyment; or enthusiasm. I am currently either in a state of reluctance, resentment or, um.... other. We'd all rather be doing other things. In the meantime I need to either accept where I am, or start working on changing my situation.

  • Wasting time. I fuck around on the internet too much. I need to channel my energy into something worthwhile. Sleeping would be a significantly healthier past time. And one can never have enough rejection slips...

  • My health. Need to lose that five pounds. Cut out carbs. Reduce sugar, salt, coffee and... sigh... alcohol.

Gack. I hate my job and I want more rice crackers and another glass of wine. As I fuck around on the internet.
I am the consummate example of someone that wants something to happen to them, without being willing to make something happen.
Awesome. I just saved myself like $100 in psychologist's fees! Maybe I can use these imaginary savings to pay down my loan with Michael...


judith said...

Duder... quit trying to live my life. Is 2010 the new 2012? What the hell is going on with everyone? As Jolea would say FML.

Duder said...

Friends Make Lasagna?

judith said...

I'll start using that at the school.

Margarita Mirasol said...

Is that you? Hot legs!

Duder said...

It is me. And the legs are mine. Both of them!