Monday, May 3, 2010


Hey, remember the time I stayed in my pajamas until 3pm in the afternoon and had a glass of wine while reading, sprawled on my couch?
I like Mondays.
It looks really windy outside.
I have to go grocery shopping and get gas.
I kind of want a nap.
I'm quite disappointed with yesterday's time and I hope to redeem myself at the Scotiabank half at the end of June.
I won't trash talk or make bets on how I'll do this time around. Bets are only fun when you win them.
Far too many "I"s in this post.
Me me me me me me.
This girl is going to go have a shower now.


Margarita Mirasol said...

You have won a free berth on the Arigato Jack for your efforts.
Offer expires 2070.

Duder said...
