Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I was supposed to go bowling tonight.

But instead I attended a (my first ever) meeting of owners in my building. Two members of the executive pleaded with me to attend.
And I was so excited about bowling. I was going with people from work and I lent them "The Big Lebowski" and I was spouting "I will fuck you in the ass" and "the rug really brought the room together, man" and "shut the fuck up, Donny!" for days. One of my coworkers said, "So, the movie really isn't so much about bowling..." and I laughed. I love making people watch my favourite movie.
But back to the meeting. Started out with nice vibes at 7pm. Ended with people standing up and yelling by 8:30. I don't normally like confrontations unless I'm participating. There were a lot of issues on the table and everyone was trying not to make it personal, but when you're talking money? When you're talking about the place in which you dwell? It becomes personal.
I took the stairs up to my apartment to calm down as did another resident. My hands were shaking for ten minutes afterwards. Man. First tonsillitis, then hives, then this. I need another vacation.
I can't believe it's only Wednesday.
Hump Day, as it's often called.

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