Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I have hives

I don't even know what hives are.
Is it from the pajamas that I bought and didn't wash and maybe they were in a can from overseas that was infested with large, jumping spiders and so the can had to be fumigated with all the cargo in it, which was then subsequently shipped to various retailers and put directly on the clothing racks so that the product could be purchased and immediately donned next to your naked, snow white skin? Don't laugh: I worked for a transportation and logistics company for four years and that actually did happen.
Or is it from the penicillin that I got over the weekend to combat my most recent and bizarre outbreak of tonsillitis?
I hope I'm not allergic to wine.
Cor. That would really not be funny.


judith said...

Where are the hive located? If they are on your torso, between your arm pits and your waist it could be shingles. You are not too young to get them. My mother would roll over in her grave if I didn't was new clothing before wearing it. I have mosquito bites that are starting to look like hives. The mammogram tech almost screamed when she saw it yesterday. That's right, she couldn't tell which was my boob and which was a mosie bite.

judith said...

I hate when my computer can't keep up with my fingers. 'where is the hive?' It's in a tree!....