Saturday, April 3, 2010

Why do tomorrow what you can do today?

And so I did the allotted Sunday twelve miler a little early. Like, at 2:15pm today.
I was stoked. I downloaded Wintersleep's "Weighty Ghost" and Broken Bell's "High Road" and Train's "Hey Soul Sister". Borrowed Michael's Garmin and I was off. I've been a bit morose recently thinking that I was slow, but I looked down at my pace today and it was routinely clocking in at a sub 8 minute mile and one time? I was pulling in 6:51 minute miles (probably for like twenty seconds on some wicked downhill, but whatever).
Saw Squishy and Skyhammer at about mile 8 of my run and I screamed "HEY!" across LVR cause that's how I like to greet people randomly. I almost always get beeped at or run by someone I know when I'm out on my longer runs, so it was pretty awesome to see a couple of friends from Kits while I was slogging through it.
Got home and went for dinner with bunch of other runners, some of whom have impending 50k and 100 MILERS coming up. Fuck I am insanely lazy.
Regardless. As Nutini said, "An 'A' in the kitchen and an 'A' in the bedroom" this morning. Not necessarily in that order.
And I didn't do any cooking.
Also having some hair issues. Hats, two days in a row. Not long enough to put in a pony tail and too short for me to fundamentally care about.
I hate girlie shit.

1 comment:

Godinla said...

I wish that I were you sometimes but it would only kill me.