Monday, April 5, 2010

Today was random

I'll start by saying I don't have PMS.
And I clocked some good zzzzs this weekend.
I just finished watching 'Rachel at the Wedding' and it made me cry a few times. I'm not one to cry much, so I think the outpouring of emotion stems from waking up from a dream in which I was holed up in a house with my mom, trying to fend off alien invaders (not. even. kidding.). This was further exacerbated by me discovering that the thing on my windshield this morning wasn't a parking ticket (yay!) it was a note from the person that hit my car this morning (boo!) but I was pleased that they at least had the balls to admit what they did (and I called her and thanked her for that fact).
I'm not ready to deal with ICBC yet. Too soon. And yet the ball is rolling and my car is going into the shop on Wednesday night and I get a loaner until Friday night.
My internet connection went from sporadic to utter nothing and, after two super fun calls with Telus, it appears I need a new wireless router.
I owe $600 in taxes. I thought Rev Can deducted taxes from my EI earnings in 2009 but this was not the case.
The plus side to all of this is that: the woman that hit me left a note; the people at Craftsman Collision were very accommodating in regards to their courtesy cars; and I have the $600 I owe the CRA (I just wanted to spend it on other things).
Oh, and the guy at Rogers Video was very helpful when I was trying to find the movie "that has Leonardo DiCaprio? And Al Pacino? I think it's like a gangster-type movie? Maybe it's not with Al Pacino. It was very well received, critically. I think it starts with a 'B'?" and he said, "'The Departed?'" and I was like "Yes! Thank you!".
Well, 'The Departed' doesn't have Al Pacino. And cleary it doesn't start with a 'B'. Nor was it in, hence 'Rachel at the Wedding'.
It's really been a let's-roll-with-the-punches kinda day...
I'm just glad the aliens aren't attacking.

1 comment:

judith said...

That's too bad about your car, but good that you got a note. Must have had witnesses. The Departed is a good movie. We signed up for Netflix last weekend. Now I never have to leave the yard to get movies.