Monday, March 29, 2010

Working Mondays is unpleasant

But the blow was softened a little by the newest (albeit temporary) addition to our department.
Hello me speaking too quickly, turning red too often and not enunciating my words like a big girl. Oh, and checking for green things in my teeth every thirty minutes. He took out some gum and then offered me a piece and I said, "No thanks" and then blurted "unless you think I need some!'.
Had a pretty fast 10k after work.
Talked to Michael for over an hour. It's so weird. Since we started dating we've always talked on the telephone. He used to say to me "I miss you" before we reached the state of professing our undying love for each other. Now we say "sooooo much, sweetie" which is followed with "how much?" which is followed further with "my arms are as far apart as they go".
Gonna be sick yet? Yeah. Me too.
Here's a cool pic of my brother. I wish I looked that cool when I was running, but I don't. The pic was taken by either his partner, or one of his good friends: not sure (A - was it you?).
Yeah. Oh, the licking was kept to a minimum today which has been much appreciated.


judith said...

I wish I could do this.... write so much in so few words. Leave a reader wanting to know more but knowing so much without blathering on and on and on. You are so good at this. Did you take lessons?

Duder said...

And here I thought I had been a bit loquacious. ;)

judith said...

No... not really, not compared to us down here in the South. You didn't answer the question about lessons. You are supposed to say "yes many for years and years." It's a I work in Education joke.

Anonymous said...

naw, it wasn't me! the one i took it looks like he is jumping over his car!

Duder said...

Ah: that was a very good one too! I didn't realize it was his car until you pointed it out.
Great pictures, for sure! I think he needs to get out and take some of you playing soccer.

Anonymous said...

that might cut into his dirtbiking time!!
he wanted to MOVE the far to underneath the jump so he could jump over that. i vetoed that. i didn't want to have to drive him to the hospital.