Sunday, March 28, 2010

Go go go.

The last post was a little trite.
This weekend was bedlam (more so because I don't get tomorrow off: boo).
Two dinners with friends, two coffees with friends, two six milers and a twelve miler. New shoes. Sushi. An attempted nap. I might also have been hit on at Kits beach today, but I'm never sure about those sorts of things.
I was up at 6.35 this morning. I have a tendency to overbook.
Felix is being the biggest suck ever.
Michael did well on his 21 miler today (though it clocked in closer to 22). They looked tired and gaunt coming in to Kits this morning, the fulls.
Half of me enjoys not having all the physical ailments that come with a 21 miler. The other half of me is envious and misses what is tantamount to corporal punishment.
Why does Felix lick me? It's so creeeeeepy.

1 comment:

judith said...

He's getting ready to bite!!! Or maybe he's trying to be nice and wants you to pet him in return.