Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Something wicked this way comes

I hate Ann Coulter. Since her arrival here I have been agitated. It's like I know she's in my country and I just can't wait until she leaves.
Seriously, if we were on an elevator together and it broke down? When we got rescued an hour later? I would be covered in blood and smiling.
But. As one of my coworkers said: "She wants you to hate her". And as a guy I used to work with inclined: it's all part of her persona.
I am all for free speech. But when someone recommends that a Muslim student use a camel as a means of transportation (because she doesn't have a flying carpet)? That's not free speech. That's ignorance and hatred and racism.
I would like to see her one on one with Rex Murphy, but we're all entitled to our orgasmic fantasies, aren't we.
My brother, as usual, summed it up rather nicely after I sent out an email full of piss and vitriol:
Who cares, let her speak. You can't claim "freedom of speech" and exclude what you don't want to hear. If she was doing a speech on how the people behind corporations should be taken into the streets and hung, you wouldn't have a problem with it. When Zack de la Rocha said George W should be charged with war crimes, hung and shot everyone cheered, but if someone wants to say bad things in the other direction, that's not ok?
If this chick is talking at universities, the students can go, or not go. They can listen and make a choice for themselves. Or they can have a rally and talk about how wrong that chick is on world matters. Free speech.
Don't get me wrong, if she got gored by a deer I'd laugh, but nut jobs like her bring the people that oppose her together.
Which is timely, cause I was almost gored by a deer on my Sunday run.
I hate it when my little brother is right.


judith said...

He's right, but that doesn't make her any less a bitch.

Anonymous said...

I also hate it when your little brother is right. its the story of my life!

Duder said...

Here is an excellent article on our good friend Ann:


Hey Anon: no kidding. He doesn't say much, but when he does you know he's gonna be right, the fcker. Oh, except for the time he tried (and failed) to convince me and my mom that women wouldn't make as good a president as what men do. Good times.