Monday, March 22, 2010

I love Dan Mangan

i thought the suits had come for me. found alternatives to honesty. body and soul were bought and sold. patented and out of reach, so i reach but it hurts, it kills, it screams and it fills my heart with chills and i take my pills but i’m still tired of sleeping with the light on.

- Dan Mangan, "Sold"

Alright. A lot of times I pretend I don't have any interesting stories, but I actually have three stories to share with you today. Hmm. Maybe I shouldn't share them all, but rather dole them out in a miserly fashion as I am wont to do.
We'll see. I'll probably get tired and want to go to bed halfway through the first story.
Story #1 (in which Michael tries to protect Duder from vicious wildlife)
Yesterday Michael and I ran together which is rare because he normally runs with the clinic, but he had to work late on Saturday and missed the 8am run. I said, "Let's run together and skip and hold hands in the most joyful fashion" and he agreed.
Because he's training for the full and I have finally committed to (and signed up for) the half, we had to run very different distances. For example: he had to run 19 miles (which is stupid) and I had to run as much as I felt like.
So I said to him, Michael, I says, how about you leave my apartment running and I will get in my car and meet you at the top of Lynn Valley Road whereupon we will run the 20k Demonstration Forest after which I will once again get in my car and meet you at the Starbucks 3 miles away.
And lo, he agreed.
I tell ya, this half marathon training is where it's at. Driving the part of the course that I would otherwise have to do if I was doing the full was sweet.
So we head into the Demo Forest and near the 8k marker we see a deer. I stop and say, "Look! A deer!" and it's got two little pointy antlers and is just off the path and is staring at us, totally unperturbed and I'm pretty amazed to encounter such a beautiful and calm animal on my run (I'm afraid of bears!) and I start to walk towards it and Michael says, "Come on! Let's go!" and so I furrow my brow and say goodbye to the deer and wonder why Michael's so cranky that I can't even spend a few minutes with some wildlife.
Anyways, later on it comes out that he had seen the two fledgling sprouts on this animals head and that, plus whatever magazine he read about deers goring people, led him to believe that I was starting to tempt fate by advancing towards this particular mammal that probably weighed as much as I do.
I almost fell off my chair laughing. A twelve point buck during rutting season this was not. Seriously, I think it had never seen a person before which was why it was standing, perplexed, next to the path, just staring at me in the most relaxed manner.
Bless his heart for being concerned for my well-being; my lover from suburban Ontario.
I don't think he had ever even seen a starfish until I took him to Lasqueti.
I have two more stories but I have to go to bed now.


judith said...

Was it a young deer? If so it's mother may have come out to defend it. I once found 2 baby mule deer in the woods, but before I could get near enough to take a good picture of them the mother came crashing through the brush. Talk about a brush with death.

Good story, can't wait for the second installment.

Duder said...

Boy. I can only remember one other story. What'm I gonna be like when I hit 40??
Michael and I were in Safeway (I will interject here that he has gotten quite strict with his diet as his race is about 6 weeks away) and I noticed organic cereal was on sale and so I skitter over to him and say "There's a good deal on Nature's Path cereal" and he looks at me, and in this snarky tone says, "Is it low carb?".
And I was like: whoa. Do you have PMS?
Anyways, I brought it up to him later that evening and he couldn't believe he had said that and was really embarassed.
It was funny.